Projects & Finance Committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Dementia Friendly Town.

New target for Dementia Friends set at 1000, currently at 760.  34 organisations/businesses are involved. We have 18 businesses that we are currently working with to improve their physical environment.

PR stall at The Makers Market 25th May helped advertise the new Dementia Buddy Scheme and our Quarterly Activity Leaflet. D Ritherdon presented at the Annual Town Meeting 16th May. Summer leaflet now out includes information on Mountview and Congleton Library’s range of books available around the subject of Dementia.

We have received donations from Tesco, CHS Year 8 and Heathview totalling £799.07 during the last quarter.

Susan Munro has resigned as chair her role with Elizabeth’s Group is proving very time consuming to do both. Will advertise the postion at the next DFC meeting 17th July.


Walking Map Project.

5 Towns Partnership Project similar to the cycling map project link the 5 old Congleton Borough Towns by a safe and interesting walking route. Sub group of ramblers and partnership chairs.

£10k received from the New Homes Bonus Scheme and the project is progressing nicely. Maps could be out by late summer, and PR /activity to launch them will be planned.

The map is in the process of being printed, mock-up passed around the meeting as an example. Work to be done on siting the decals which will involve discussions with Genni Butler (CEBC Rights of Way) and ramblers.

Health and Wellbeing Fayre 1.10.19

We now have close on 50 exhibitors across a very wide range of offerings. Leaflets and posters are printed but PR will not start until late August at earliest. Funding support received from The Town Trust (£300) application in with The Enclosure Trust for the same.

The event is a free event with light refreshment provided, freebies and information for the whole mix of our residents. Next subgroup meeting is 13th August.



The funding for the build is now in place, although we still need to continue the funding drive to cover the fees (approx. £15k –although some has already been paid). We may need to go to The Partnership for an underwrite, we will know better in September when we have the next Executive Meeting what is actually required.


We are now starting out Public Appeal (£110 received in the first two days) and Businesses.


We have taken a column (fortnightly) in The Chronicle which will give us a PR push and a chance to keep the residents updated


Bob suggested we investigate the idea of using a direct debit scheme. J.Mac to discuss with J Potts.


Steve Foster to write a letter for The Chronicle to give the funding drive a further push.

MS to put together a letter to be sent to Businesses. D.McG to distribute using the contact list available to us as Chamber members.

A preferred developer has been selected (Midland Masonry)  and a  pre-contract meeting is planned for  Thurs 25th July.

Most of the materials are in place, a carving of the plaques has begun (J.Carter to visit Stones of Weymouth this week to check /photo first plaque).

Build should begin/ site handover planned for w/c 29th July with completion planned for w/c 28th October at the latest.

Dedication service is being planned for Sunday 3rd November.


Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 16th September 2019 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am