Congleton Partnership Projects and Finance committee meeting took place recently, download the full meeting minutes HERE.

Highlights include:

Project  Update.




Planning permission granted with conditions.

D.McGifford / M.Smith to follow up some funding ideas.

J.Carter / M.Pickford to work om Tendering Paper

MS contact various groups for support of the project.


Public Realm Strategy.


Weekly bulletins regularly sent out. Need to do our own snagging operation. Pull together a small subgroup to include G.Williams. D McGifford to discuss with G.Williams.

Report to be drawn up and sent to Councillors /Partnership.


Leisure Centre.


Quotes are all in and a contract is about to be awarded. Work should start later this year.


Link Road.


95% Land agreements obtained, could break ground late 2018, or Jan 2019.


The Mills.


Going through leasing process of carpark. Time limit imposed by CEBC to start of development.


No contact for us with Scarborough.

Please download the minutes for more project updates.

Date and Time of the next meeting.

Monday 19th March 2018 The Spencer Suite , 9.30am