Congleton Sustainability Group meeting took place recently, download full meeting minutes here.

Highlights include:

Congleton Co-Operative

Weekly newsletter continues to be sent out to a wide readership.

Stewart issued a callout for a plumber a.s.a.p

A lot of progress made since the last meeting, the commercial kitchen (ex Airbags) should go in during the next couple of weeks.

Bank account still an issue but should be sorted this week.

Rent (£400 per month) kicks in November.

Are planning to sell breakfast baps on T O B Day

Congleton In Bloom

Patti reported that the Bloom judges were very complimentary about Congleton and its community offering in general. Good interaction between them and the volunteers that they met. Results of both competitions will be announced mid to late October.

Winter Tub planting (with the children) October

Congleton park achieved its 9th Green Flag

Secret garden progressing well at the Old Saw Mill

Global Gardens – 2 weekends left for you to visit (Sat/Sun 2 to 4.00pm)


Apple Juice. Apples starting to come in, adverts posters / social media started. PP to put together a press release which will also advise residents what any profits are being spent on.

First batch of apples will be processed at Dunham Massey, but labelled at the OSM. We should be processing ourselves by end of September.