1. As with the rest of the country, Covid restrictions have curtailed any projects.
  2. Planted areas:

Continued to maintain (weed, feed, litter pick, prune, plant, sow) our plots and gardens, with most time spent on our Capitol Walk garden of perennial edibles/plants for pollinators, and some time on the library shrubberies that we replanted in Nov 2019 for pollinators.

The Capitol Walk arcade was sold earlier in the year, and the premises include our garden area.  The new owners (who have renamed the building Capital Walk) initially said they planned to level the ground for a seating area, but have now said that we can continue gardening on the site.

  1. Publicity:

Facebook interaction continued when there are photos, videos and news items regarding our group’s activities and planted areas. See https://www.facebook.com/CongletonFood4Free/

Funding is being sought for a second explanatory sign for Capitol Walk garden, to be placed at the top of the library ramp.

We have discovered that the smaller silver birch in the Capitol Walk garden was planted in Jan 2007 by town councillors Douglas Parker and the late Margaret  Williamson, marking Congleton’s award for Best Kept   Town (presumably 2006), in a competition run by Cheshire Community Action.  Patti is hoping to organise a plaque for the tree, to show its significance to the town.


  1. Accounts

Our accounting year ends on 30 June.  Val is not doing the books this year, so we need another member to volunteer to produce our year-end income/expenses and balance sheet.  As usual, our records are available for inspection by appointment.


  1. Volunteering hours for all members (except PP whose hours are in her monthly report to CSG)


VS: 12.5hrs (maintenance of Cap Walk and library areas)