Congleton Partnership AGM meeting minutes.

Congleton Partnership Executive Financial Report  10th August 2021

The Chair Glen Williams opened the 15th Partnership Annual General Meeting by welcoming everyone to the event and invited them all to stay to the Executive Meeting that followed on from this meeting if they so wished.

Overview 2019/20.


Glen gave a brief overview of projects that had taken place / were still active across all of the subgroups. This was not an exhaustive list but a sample/range of the activities The Partnership is involved in. MS had sent out a full report prior to the meeting.


Volunteer Hours 7000 + £100,000 + value, somewhat understated.

Dementia Group.

Gift Pack Project, Joint working with Cheshire Police + local trust funds. Congleton Lions. 81+ packs delivered, 81+ new contacts made, issues resolved.

Progressing a joint swop shop project with Congleton Library

Looking to restart activities.

Cenotaph. Building nearly complete, 2 x pillars to be added. Dedication event planned for  Sunday 19.9.21


Green Living In Congleton. New digital format being developed, joint project with CTC

Hydro Scheme, now up and running,now working on getting all the agreements in place to add power to the national grid, and working with CWLT and Trees for Congleton on rewilding the site.

Congleton Climate Festival and Green Fayre. Whole week of various activities/ events planned to support COP26 awareness ending with a Green Fayre on Sat 30th Oct.

Old Saw Mill. Friday Lunch Club with 70+ meals delivered weekly, Apple Juice sold out, getting ready for this seasons fruit. Events and activities being planned.

Trees for Congleton. Planning this autumns planting programme, already 8073 Trees, Hedgerow scrubs and general Scrubs planted.

Senior Forum.

Befriending Service, about to link up with Changing Lives Together to recruit volunteers and develop a befriending service within Congleton

Community Wellbeing Fayre now moved to Spring 2022, we had over 40 exhibitors planned, most will support us in 2022.


2 x 24 hour Defibrillators sited with 2 more planned. Joint working with CTC, Congleton Lions and Plus Dane.

Defib awareness training planned for Tuesday 12th October, joint working with NWAS, Congleton Lions and Congleton Library.

Elizabeth Group.

Maquette of the statue produced looks amazing, still need planning permission for the site.

New link road named after Elizabeth, events and fundraising planned.

Glen thanked everyone for their support on these projects, including the public who got involved to support us, with special thanks to CEBC and CTC. Proof that our positive working relationships do bare fruit and benefit the people of Congleton.

Tuesday 6th September 2022, Congleton Town Hall, starting at 5.30pm with an Executive Meeting following at 6.15pm.